
Fabio Sansalvadore

Fabio Sansalvadore

Teacher appointed directly by the "School of Management and Economics" of Turin (previously the Faculty of Economics) to lead and impart the lesson hours on "Food Management of the restaurant sector" foreseen within the "Master II Level Course in Italian Cuisine and Oenology".

Attending the subject allows ICIF students to receive specific training on management and food cost in the catering sector. Furthermore, Doctor Fabio Sansalvadore is a professor at the "Department of Business Economics" of the Faculty of Turin.
Chartered accountant, statutory auditor and civil mediator, he has taught master's degrees and inter-company training courses. Speaker at national and international conferences, he is the author of publications on budgeting, International Accounting Standards, forms of corporate collaboration, sector analyzes and local development.


Food Management

Since 1991, we have been promoting Italian cuisine, culture and oenology around the world through professional training courses.

Registered Office and Training Venue

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 10
14055 - Costigliole d'Asti (AT), Italia
Tel. 39.0141.962171 - 962772
Fax. 39.0141.962993
P.I. 01683920050

Administrative Office

Via Roma, 8
10077 San Maurizio Canavese (TO)
Tel. +39.011.281502