
Vittorio Castellani

Vittorio Castellani

I'm not a Chef... but a freelance Journalist, a Storyteller... or rather, an insatiable "Gastronomadic"! I alternate my studies and research on world gastronomy with those of journalism, event designer, training and consultancy. I was trained in the melting pot of Paris, London, Amsterdam and Berlin and on the occasion of countless trips and human and professional experiences lived on the five continents. I collaborate with important national newspapers, local and international bodies and institutions on the topics of material cultures in non-European countries and in the metropolises of mixed-race Europe. Wok this way…

Vittorio Castellani aka Chef Kumalè, «Gastronomadic», journalist, alternates his study and research activity on world cuisines with that of communication, the organization of intercultural and ethno-gastronomic events and teaching (...). He collaborates with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, with «Le Rotte del Gusto» the Master for experts in food and wine tourism and in mass media communication of culinary cultures of the University of Siena and with the main gastronomy and tourism newspapers. Teacher at ICIF for the theoretical and sensorial analysis lesson on the varieties of spices and their use in the kitchen in the Master Culinary Courses of the Institute.



Since 1991, we have been promoting Italian cuisine, culture and oenology around the world through professional training courses.

Registered Office and Training Venue

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 10
14055 - Costigliole d'Asti (AT), Italia
Tel. 39.0141.962171 - 962772
Fax. 39.0141.962993
P.I. 01683920050

Administrative Office

Via Roma, 8
10077 San Maurizio Canavese (TO)
Tel. +39.011.281502